the Mosque in NYC yes or no
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
A kind of Madness(blaming Obama for the STUPIDQUESTER!!!)
Simply put, it is indeed a kind of Madness, as Bob Woodward has stated, that allows republicans, and some people in the Media to actually blame President Obama for the "stupidquester" that is looming over the American people and economy like a sword of Damocles!!!! You have had your pick of crisises over the last five years, and at the heart of each and every one of them has been the Republicans and their need to Massively resist President Obama in order to advance themselves politically!!! And as we close in on the deadlne before the point of no return, as we reach the latest republican created "fiscal cliff", The republicans continue in their political vein!!! Speaker Boehner, the picture of a former speaker walking that he is, effectively kicking the can down the road to the Senate!! Simply put the "stupidquester" and the president's role in it, is a role created by necessity, a necessity created by the republican party and their clear and stated intentions to undermine the the Obama presidency at any cost and by any means necessary!! And it is a kind of Madness, the madness called Denial, that would lead anyone to even consider blaming President Obama for the madness of the" Stupidquester"!!!! Esepcially given the recent public hiistory of the matter and the FACTS!!!!!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
the Buisness of Politics Vs the Buisness of the People!(the Stupidquester!!!)
AS the "stupidquester" and other such republican fueled nonsense continues unabated on capitol hill, it is clear to see who is engaged in the buisness of Politics on Capitol Hill in Washington DC and who is trying to engage in the buisness of the people there! For as the republicans, lead by John Boehner continue to play politics with the american economy and the american people, it should be radically clear, to even the most partisan of Americans, just what buisness the Republicans are in! Simply put, Politics is the buisness of Politicans while Government is the buisness of the People!!! And the republicans are and have been so busy conducting the buisness of Politics that they cant get the buisness of the people done, which is governing!!!! You werent and arent elected to be Politicans republicans, you were and are elected to Govern, and you cant govern by politicking!!! Politics isnt putting people back to work, keeping kids in school, keeping needed facilities open, or keeping families and this nation safe!! And the sooner you realize that the better off this nation will be!!! Its time to end the political buisness IE: the "Stupidquester" and get down the the Buisness of the People which is Governing!!!!!!!! Which is what you were elected to do!!!!!!!
Monday, February 25, 2013
Massive resistance 2013( Whats really to blame for the Stupidquester!)
AS Black History Month comes to a close, we in America can use history to answer some of the inane questions that the present tends to offer us concerning the continual financial crisises that are perpetually arising from Capitol Hill in America! For instance, back in the 60's after the courts forced intergration of the schools in the south, In BACKLASH to that effort, the powers that be in the south, determined to resist CHANGE & PROGRESS, embarked upon a program of "Massive Resistance" to intergration in schools among other things! This massive resistance program brought the full legislative weight and co-operation between agencies of power, and people with same ,against the betterment of the qualitiy of life for people of color, and in clear defiance of the law of the land! This resistance lead to the shutting down of Governments and government facilties among other things! Sound familiar? It should, since the republican party and the congress of same since 2009 have been engaged in "Massive resistance" against President Barack Obama and his administrations legislative efforts!!! This is not speculation, this is a FACT, and has been a fact exemplified in statements from republican leaders like Mitch Mcconnell, and countless republican figures like Rush Limbaugh! It has created political Movements like the "Tea" party! History repeating itself shamefully in America!! And the fact that this continuing policy of Massive Resistance continues to be ignored, even by journalistic Icons like Bob Woodward, only proves that America still has a long way to go in its journey to becoming a more perfect union! But that aside, the FACT remains that it is the MASSIVE RESISTANCE ,and that alone, lead by the republican party that has since 2009 put the American people and the economy of America in continued jepoardy!! And until Journalists like Bob Woodward call the republicans on the carpet for this "policy" America will continue to be damaged by it! MASSIVE RESISTANCE the more things change------!!!!
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Republican Realization(the ramifacations of the "stupidquester)
AS the "Stupidquester" and other issues of financial concern move forward in America, and as the republicans continue to push their political agenda of cuts, cuts and more cuts on same, it is only a matter of time before the results of this agenda, which is hardship and economic question lead to a stark realization among the republican faithful and rank and file! A realization that will lead to the eventual downfall of the Republican party from power in America!!Because it is only a matter of time before the republican rank and file, and the tea partiers ,realize that they are the "Them" that they have been talking about and struggling against! When the massive cuts actually kick in and they head out in droves, looking for the assistance they never though "they" would require, and the benefits "they" never thought they would need!
When the subsides that they have so long become accustomed to dissapear, and the jobs they take for granted dry up, when no more gov dollars are awarded, and when the Gov . Pork their Republican congressman quietly brought home is trimmed, that is when the republican rank and file in states like Arizona and its Ilk will come to the stark realization that they are the "them" that they have been mislead into fighting so hard against! That they are part of the 47 percent not the 1 percent! and the resulting backlash from that stark realization and the hardship they created will bring about, and rightly so, the end to power for a political party that has mislead the american people for far too long! As the saying goes, "We have met the enemy and he is us!" A republican realization that will be sped along by the"stupidquester"
And it will be the tolling of the bell for Republican power in America when that realization is finally had!
When the subsides that they have so long become accustomed to dissapear, and the jobs they take for granted dry up, when no more gov dollars are awarded, and when the Gov . Pork their Republican congressman quietly brought home is trimmed, that is when the republican rank and file in states like Arizona and its Ilk will come to the stark realization that they are the "them" that they have been mislead into fighting so hard against! That they are part of the 47 percent not the 1 percent! and the resulting backlash from that stark realization and the hardship they created will bring about, and rightly so, the end to power for a political party that has mislead the american people for far too long! As the saying goes, "We have met the enemy and he is us!" A republican realization that will be sped along by the"stupidquester"
And it will be the tolling of the bell for Republican power in America when that realization is finally had!
Friday, February 22, 2013
The "Nero" Congress!
AS the story goes, Emperoro Nero Fiddled while Rome burned, and now it seems that this republican congress is following Nero's example by being out of session (again) while economic disaster looms!!! How is it that you are elected , essentially hired to do the peoples buisness, but yet, whenever there is a IMPORTANT issue to be dealt with, Speaker Boehner and his fellows allways, and I mean ALLWAYS pick up the ball and go home!!! This is the picture and height of governmental irresponsibility!!! That while America is, for all intents and purposes, nearly ready to be set on fire fiscally and socially, instead of burning the midnight oil, addressing the issue, this congress would rather fiddle around at home!!! And of course its allways the same excuse, "the president wont engage, its the presidents fault"! Two words and the first one is BULL!!! Simply put, this congress needs to be in Washington, PERIOD! And it is a disservice to the American people that they are not! And the blame for that is certainly not with the President of the USA, it is with the leadership of the congress, specifically the leadership of the House!!! And as America burns, this congress, and Speaker Boehner should be the ones to feel the fire!!!!
Irresponsibilty and failed leadership, its that simple, and they(The Republican Congress) should be called, VERY PUBLICALLY, on the carpet for it! Because they should be at work, not at home!!!!
Irresponsibilty and failed leadership, its that simple, and they(The Republican Congress) should be called, VERY PUBLICALLY, on the carpet for it! Because they should be at work, not at home!!!!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Placing the blame where it lies!
AS the continuing suspense builds over the "stupidquester" and the cuts it will bring, it is VERY appropiate thsat as this matter progresses that blame is placed where it should lie over the issue, and that is with the congressional republicans! Simply put you cant blame the presidents leadership when you have made plain and clear PUBLICALLY, that you will not follow that lead! When you have said publically that you hope he fails and you will do everything you can to insure he fails!!! But that being said, it is to the president's fault that he continues to attempt to work with people who have no intention of working with him! What more do you need to convince you of their intentions President Obama?! Must they, like Caesar, stab you to death on the floor of the Senate(or House) before you understand? America is in danger, and that danger is not from the Chinese, it is not from the Russians, and it is not from the North Koreans! Its not from Al queda, or from the middle east!! The danger, the clear and PRESENT danger to America, is from the Republican party of America, who for politics sake, and for politial reasons, continue to deny the importance of the PRESENT economic situation of America!!!! There are millions unemployed, millions who are using social services, and millions homeless! And there are millions more who may join them due to actions like the "stupidquester"!! and for that and so much more it is time to place the blame where it lies, and it lies squarely with the REPUBLICAN party!!!! Because it is their political stubborness and avarice that is deny America the real action it needs during this difficult economic and social time!!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Playing Chicken!!!
I wonder what it will take for the republican party to stop playing chicken with the financial fortunes and social welfare of the USA! Because as we continually careen from one legislative/fiscal crisis to the next, it is unacceptable that our elected officials, for the sake of politics and political ambition, continue to flirt with disaster for the american public!!!!
Playing chicken , simply put, is no way to run a government!!! Playing chicken, to be frank is no way to LEAD! and it certainly is no way to meet a responsibility given you! I wonder how the founding fathers would look upon the congress if they could see it now!!! I am sure that all their fears , all their reservations that they had way back when would be realized in the current republican lead House of Representitives!!!! Simply put, it is way past time for Political games and gamesmanship to be ended, and it time for this congress, as they did back in 1776, to put aside politics, put aside differances, and beliefs for the good of the UNION!!! Stop playing chicken and stop flirting with disaster!!! Honor those whose seats you now sit in, whose steps you now walk in!!!! And stop acting like Ignorant petulant irresponsible children!!! Because when the inevtiable happens and you wreck the car, it will be others who have to pay for your irresponsibility!!!!! Others who can, given the situation in America NOW, cannot afford to do so!!!
Playing chicken , simply put, is no way to run a government!!! Playing chicken, to be frank is no way to LEAD! and it certainly is no way to meet a responsibility given you! I wonder how the founding fathers would look upon the congress if they could see it now!!! I am sure that all their fears , all their reservations that they had way back when would be realized in the current republican lead House of Representitives!!!! Simply put, it is way past time for Political games and gamesmanship to be ended, and it time for this congress, as they did back in 1776, to put aside politics, put aside differances, and beliefs for the good of the UNION!!! Stop playing chicken and stop flirting with disaster!!! Honor those whose seats you now sit in, whose steps you now walk in!!!! And stop acting like Ignorant petulant irresponsible children!!! Because when the inevtiable happens and you wreck the car, it will be others who have to pay for your irresponsibility!!!!! Others who can, given the situation in America NOW, cannot afford to do so!!!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Thorw the bums out!!(the republicans and the stupidquester
Remember a short 5 years ago, when things like" Sequester", and "Fiscal Cliff" werent even part of the American lexicon? And when the "Debt Ceiling" and shutting down the Gov. werent even the republican agenda and or radar? Well that was Pre Obama of course, and now, as we have come to know in this Post republican controlled world, the sins of the republicans are , as usual, visited on us all due to the republican party being out of power! When America, are we going to say enough is enough? How many times will we look on as the republicans, for politics sake, take the american economy and the american people to the brink of a economic abyss?!! How many children and families, how many seniors, must live in a never ending world of political fear and fearmongering due to the political posturing of the republican party?! When will enough be enough America!!!? We as a nation took a bold step into the future when ,in 2009, we collectively threw the bums out! The republicans were uncerimoniosly thrown out of political power in America, and we, as a nation were the better for it!! We began to clean up their mess, and take the actions needed to make this nation a better place for all, not just a minute percent of us! But then, capitializing of the naievete of a fledgling and new president, and the racist(yes I said it) backlash against said new president being of a certain color, the republicans, who were soundly rejected by americans eager for change, resurged to power on the backs of the hateful, the racist, the intolerant, the bigoted, and the completely crazy! Which has lead us back full circle! For five years now the republicans have done everything they can to regain their political status and power, and it has come at the expense and security of the American people!!! And it is time for every American to say enough! It is time for the republican party to stop holding America hostage to their political desires!! Its time for them to show a true measure of responsibility and decency! Not to politics and political gain, but to the nation and the people of same! NO STUPIDQUESTER!!!! Enough is ENOUGH!!!!!
Friday, February 15, 2013
Making history for all the wrong reasons(The Hagel Saga)
Once more America, the Republican party in America is making history for all the wrong reasons! The Hagel filibuster, like all of the other republican filibusters before it, is nothing more than a continuance of the politically minded obstructionism that has gridlocked Washington DC! And with President Obama successfully re-elected despite all of the stated efforts to the contrary, why are the republicans continuing to operate in that failed mode? This congress continues to make history for all the wrong reasons!It is the lowest regarded, the least productive and now it can add the Hagel filibuster to its growing lists of "achievements"! Yes Congressional republicans you are really showing us! Showing us how NOT to run a democracy!!!!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
State of the Union Post analysis(the Good, the Bad, and the downright UGLY!!)
IN the aftermath of the Presidents State of the State address, and the responses from the republicans and their tea party, we can truly say that it was a picture of the good, the bad and the downright ugly!!! The good being President Obama's speech, which hit upon the usual "pedestrian"( and Im using that sarcastically Mitch Mcconnell) rationale of Gov stepping up for those who cannot step up for themselves, pushing for economic action and the furthering of education and training, as well as pushing for action to address the out of control gun culture in America. In response to this good came Marco Rubio, who, with his public access level speech, and actions during same( by the way Marco, every public speaker knows to hydrate before speaking, even those on public access) proved that he is not ready for prime time or the national stage! It seems that the republicans are in a never ending camapign mode, and Mr. Rubio's speech clearly reflected that! And then we get to the downright UGLY, which was Rand Paul and his full and public embracement of the madness that is the TEA Party!!! According to Rand, Obama is king, and we need assault weapons to defend ourselves from him and his agenda! Rand Paul for president? Good luck with that Rand! In the end, it was and is clear that, for far too many in America, politics is more important to them than rational and needed policy! And that is sad, not only for President Obama but for America who , if last night was any indication, has nothing to look forward but more of the same old political same old from the republicans and their tea party!
Monday, February 11, 2013
State of the Union pre analysis
AS President Obama prepares to Give his first State of the union speech in his second term, It is hoped that he will return to one of the primary advents of his first term, and use the bully pulpit of the speech to advocate for the "fierce urgency of now" as it pertains to politics and policy in America! Because it must be prioritized and made understood on capitol hill in America that there are over 12 million people who are unemployed NOW! That there are kids dying by guns and under the threat of gun violence NOW! That poor and elderly people are concerned about what the future holds for them, the near future as in tomorrow , NOW!!!
For four years due to politics sake, the state of this Union has been one of question doubt and fear, but now, as President Barrack Obama begins his second term as the American president, he must use this opportunity to reassure America! Reassure that we wont morgage away the security of today for the future, as the republican party has so politically painted! The fierce urgency of Now! Because it must be understood ,especially on capitiol hill, that NOW is the future! And that America cannot afford to ignore the concerns of today in order to preserve the future!
Simply put ,without today there will be no tomorrow! NOW cannot be sequestered, Now cannot be cut, now cannot be reduced! The stakes and human costs are too high to pay! The state of the union is both hopeful and concerned, and tomorrow, it will be up to President Obama to reassure the nation that the fierce urgency of now is also PRIORITY!!!
For four years due to politics sake, the state of this Union has been one of question doubt and fear, but now, as President Barrack Obama begins his second term as the American president, he must use this opportunity to reassure America! Reassure that we wont morgage away the security of today for the future, as the republican party has so politically painted! The fierce urgency of Now! Because it must be understood ,especially on capitiol hill, that NOW is the future! And that America cannot afford to ignore the concerns of today in order to preserve the future!
Simply put ,without today there will be no tomorrow! NOW cannot be sequestered, Now cannot be cut, now cannot be reduced! The stakes and human costs are too high to pay! The state of the union is both hopeful and concerned, and tomorrow, it will be up to President Obama to reassure the nation that the fierce urgency of now is also PRIORITY!!!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
When Right is wrong( The new republican Push for "minorities")
I dont know whether to be appalled or insulted by the new push from the Republican Party towards minorities, but I think one glaring fact says it all! The republicans main focus , main reason for this new minority outreach is not in the cause of minorities, is not in the support and advancement of minority issues and interests, but it is in the interest, the POLITICAL interest of the republican party! Another case of the repubican party thinking they are doing it right, and getting it completely wrong! And isnt this the same party that scant months ago was lambasting the "47 percent" for being bought and sold in this manner by the Democrats? This new political outreach by the republicans towards minorities is insulting and self serving! Its not being made in the intersts of minorities and If the republican party does indeed want to forestall its eventual marginalization, it will have to make a radical change within itself! A change that does actually put the concerns and interests of minorties as a priority as opposed to the political interests of the republican party! Because this self serving left turn by the right is being done for all the wrong reasons!!!!!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Big Time Rush!
AS the republicans continue to put the rush on everything in order to maintain the image of fiscal responsibility, I would say that what they continue to do, and threaten America with, is the height of irresponsibility!!!! America, has for the last five years, struggled out of a recession. A recession mind you ,of repubican making! Arecession that put millions out of work, and out of their homes, a recession that nearly destroyed the American economic system! So what do the republicans do? Take actions that could destroy the American economic system of course!!!! Simply put it is time for the Posturing to end. The republicans just lost one election BIG, due to this posturing, and in 2014, if this contin ues they are set to lose another!!! It's time for the republican party to end the Big time rush they are putting on the American people regarding the defict! It's time to actually show some fiscal responsibility as opposed to posturing about it, because the fact is that the sequester and the Massive cuts that they would apply to America and Americans is the heigh of irresponsibility! You cant plan for the future by destroying the now! You cant build for the future by destroying the foundation of today! And it is time that the republicans stop with the politics, and the political posturing and accept that fact! We cant balance the budget of tomorrow on the backs of the poor, the elderly and the children of today! Today first and tomorrow later republicans!!!!!! End the Big Time Rush!!!!
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Politics, Politics.Politics!!!(notes from the Political pad)
A few notes from the political pad: What happened to John Mccain? Where is the model of fairness and consistency? The guy everybody liked? The straight shooter? The MAVERICK?!!! Because this bitter, petty, and partisan old man is not the John Mccain America has come to know and love! Hooray for immigration reform!! But the best way to reform immigration is for Arizona to become a blue state! Marco Rubio as the savoir of the Republican party? Nah, I dont think so! Rush Limbaugh is still a big fat idiot!Now that Hillary is out of the Obama administration, it will be intersting to see what high profile posittion she assumes to keep herself in the public eye until 2013. Perhaps the Chair for NOW(National Organization for Women) 2016 is a long way off, too long for even Hillary to be out of the public eye, if she is to contend for history again in 2013. Gabriele Giffords may be the most powerful advocate we have IN America to advance gun regulation and the banning of assault weapons! Farewell to Former Mayor Ed Koch, a true NYer in every sense of the word. and farewell to Sarah Palin as well the clock on the 15 mins has finally ran out! And lastly with our children becoming targets and prey in America, I think it would make good sense to taking any and all actions to keep them safe, and that includes gun control! Pray for the children and then act on their behalf America!!!
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