One down & one to go! The Iraq war, a war we should have never been in , is finally over! we will be out of Iraq by years end! Now about Afghanistan----! Yes its time we got tough with the Pakistani's! For indeed they have become the new Afghanstian for terrorists, and we give them far too much aid for that!!! With the brusing pre-primary campaigns being waged by the republican hopefuls, will any of them have anything left for when the real process begins? what happens now In libya will decide the future of the middle east, there is too much unharnessed chaos afoot there, and we must keep a watchful eye on the region and do everything necessary to see that democracy gains there! Saddam, Gaddafi, Mubarak, why do these fools and tyrants wait around to die? If I had a tyrants money, its either switzerland or brazil for me! What fools these tyrants be!!! Who Killed Gaddfi, who cares?, Dead and gone end of story! Despite all the political harrumphing and the like on capitol hill, nothing concerning jobs is moving, keep up the bad work congress!!! that end the potpourri for today!
Now a word about the occupy wall street movement
In the sixties the people were aroused and the counter culture movement was born, and despite all of the efforts to the contrary, it succeeded and America was the better for it,!America, due to the efforts of the counter culture movement, became a more moral place, a fairer place, a more equitable place, a decent place. Now here we are, some 5 decades later and the people have arisen once again as the situation has demanded. Because once again, America has forgotten its true morality, America has forgotten fair play, America has forgotten equity, America has abandoned decency! And with the situation demanding action, the people of this nation have risen to answer the call!All over this nation people, young and old, have risen and took a stand for decency, for fairness, for equity, for morality, against the one place in America which has come to symbolize immorality, indecency, inequity, and unfair treatment, WALL ST! Because Wall Street and the values of same have co-opted and corrupted America! Wall St. and the worship and politics of same has created the America we now live in where it is acceptable for some to have all and for more to have none! A America where its acceptble for people to be homeless, to lack what should be every citizens guaranteed right to have a home, to have enough to eat, a job and a education, to have basic human rights and conditions denied them! These values are what the Wall st movement stands up against, as did the counter culture movement in the 60s before them! It's not the end of the world. This nation survived the 60s and became better for it, and this nation will survive the occupy Wall st movement, and it will the better for it!(despite what the panicked establishment of today might say) The world isnt ending, its changing for the better, and the people, as usual, not the politicans, not the media, not the ESTABLISHMENT, are creating the change!!!! SO its time to face facts! Change is coming, real change! And if youre smart from Washington to Wall st, you better get on the band wagon!!!!Occupy wall st!!!!!! The counter culture lives!!!!! God Bless America!!!
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