With the rise of the OWS(Occupy Wall Street)movement, there has been a continued(and erroneous in my opinion) comparison between the two movements. Simply Put the OWS is a SOCIAL movement, geared towards correcting social ill's and seeking social justice, while the TEA party is a political movement seeking political goals, REPUBLICAN political goals! The OWS movement is by the people, for the people, while the TEA party is by republicans, for republicans! And this statement can be supported by the fact that A:The Tea party caucuses with the republicans on capitol hill, and B the tea party's platform paralells the republican platform. So as the saying goes, if it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck then quack, quack! It's a duck!!!
These two movements are moving in two oppostie directions and clearly have two opposite goals, and due to that it is, in my opinion, a insult to the OWS momvement to equate them with the TEA party! OWS is about people, the 99 percent, and the TEA party is about politics and the support and bolstering of the 1 percent, clear and present republicanism!!! The OWS is championing fair and equal treatment, the TEA party is about division and classism, not to mention racism and sexism! SO given these facts, and I defy anyone to dispute them, I would ask those in the media to stop equating the Tea party with the OWS movement. since, in word ,deed, action, & history it is proven to be far from the case!!!!!!
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