the Mosque in NYC yes or no

Friday, November 25, 2011

Post debate Analysis and a word about the political future.

Simply put the national security debate this past Tuesday on CNN, while a lively dicussion only highlighted just how serious this coming election will be for America. Because it showed that if the republicans enter into power in 2012, we will be back at war in 2013! It was clearly evident from the back & forth of nearly everyone on stage(John Huntsman being the exception) that Iran is in the crosshairs! And I ask you America how sad would it be for our troops to come home from the middle east, and then be redeployed right back there for a war with Iran? Not once in this debate did you hear anything about diplomacy in regards to foreign Policy, and that should be disturbing to nearly every american! We have been at war and our troops abroad for nearly 12 years now, and if the republicans get into office that period will indeed be extended. Asfar as the comprehensive review of this debate, clearly Mitt Romney continued on his steady path and nothing is seeming to change than in any debate.But the fact remains that these debates will do little to decide the political future. What happens from Jan thru March will decide the republican nominee, and until that process has begun and primaries are truly engaged in, until we have actual votes cast, and winners & losers established, this race is wide open for all of the candidates who have fought and hung in there as this race to the republican nomination progresses! AS to the political future, it will come down simply to what mantra will hold the day! The anti Obamacare/Pelosi/Democratic/tea party mantra held sway in 2010 and of course the Change/Yes we can mantra held sway in 2008. what mantra will lead the public to the ballot box in 2012? It remains to be seen, but to the victor will go the spoils! And that is not a political mantra, but a fact!!!!

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