AS we continue on this Path to the "fiscal cliff" we must take a look into the abyss, and that abyss is not the cliff itself, but the continued failure of REPUBLICANS as "leaders"! Simply put they have ZERO creditability when it comes to their continued stance as arbiters of austerity, and the fact that they simply refuse to"get it" is what rea lly hampering this process!
Speaker Boehner and the rest say that Obama is "out of touch".News flash republicans! Who just won re-election, and winning that re-election in direct oppostion to what the republicans continue to stubbornly stand upon? The fact of the matter is tha,t while republicans continue to hem and haw about what the democrats wont do and wont show, it is what the republicans will do and intend to do that remains the REAL issue!!!! And it is a sad reflection on their leadership and agenda that things like education, social services, social security and all the rest is within their crosshairs!!! Simply put as long as the republicans continue to fight to the political death over taxing the rich, and standing against those who they feel arent"entitled" choosing bullets over bread for the poor, choosing coporations over children, oil over old folks, you name it, then not only will we continue to face the abyss that is the "fiscal cliff", But the republicans will continue, and rightly so to be perceived as having a abyss where their souls should be!!! Speaker Boehner, Leader Mcconnell and all the rest need to take a good hard look into the abyss that has become republicanism in America, because that is the true "fiscal cliff"!
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