New York, the greatest city in the world.The city that never sleeps, the gateway to America! The City that sets the standard that all others must follow! NYC, the mecca of mankind in the world today! A city of dreams and a city of sometimes harsh reality! And , for NYC, nothing has been harsher than the devastation that was inflicted upon it by Super Storm Sandy! Because Sandy did what nothing, not even 9/11/01 could do. For days NYC was asleep, shuttered by natures fury! And the aftermath was, for many, the unthinkable, tunnels flooded, whole communities devastated, a picture window of the apocolypse now!!! And with the gateway of the nation closed, the effects of same were clearly felt internationally! The stock markets down, travel in limbo, all because NY fell victim to the power of Nature amok! But Sandy has given a showcase to the importance of NY in the global scheme of things!It has shown what a intregal part of the world and lynchpin of America NYC is, and that is why NYC above and among all others must receive the lions share of aid being offered By the federal Gov! That is why NYC must be of priority and of plan! Because what does America do when its gateway is closed? What does the world do when the mecca of mankind is shuttered? We have seen a small screen shot of that, and it was, and is , not a pretty sight! The Federal Gov must insure that this never happens again, because to be quite frank, the world cannot afford it!!!
So I hope that the coffers are opened wide, and the credit limits negated, because simply put,
NYC is worth it!!!!!
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