Is race playing a major factor in the political and social situation in America and american politics? Is the fact of the President being black contributing to the state of the economy, to unemployment and to the political situation in general? Is the current Political and social situation in America a "Scorched earth strategy" created and manipulated by political and coporate interests in order to undermine the Obama administration? Indeed would you say there is a conspiracy founded and fueled by the race of the president to bring his administration down? You could say these are simply conspiracy theories, but I would say to you; ARE THEY?
While you think on that I would say to the individual who had the nerve and the lack of respect for the President of these United States to actually tell him to shove it, I hope he is roundly condemned as he should be! I havent seen such audacity since the George Wallace and Bull Connor days.
10 days until America votes. choose wisely because its the future that America is deciding people !
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