As President Obama sounds the clarion call out on the campaign trial to the electorate, I hope that he is employing all the contacts and networks he has to forestall any and all republican gains in this coming election. Because to be frank, for him, a republican victory and regaining of either house would be a complete disaster, as it would be for this nation as a whole. For the last two years the republicans have given this nations well- being a back seat to their desire to undo the election results of 2008! And to portray themselves as anything other that the power mongering, self servers that they are is ludicrious! But they have and they have dont it to some measure of success! So with disaster looming, President Obama has no choice but to put the affairs of this nation on a lower priority while he tries to statve off what is nothing more than a Political coup! (You can referance the last few years in NY gov. as a more purient example) Simply put this is a huge fight, a fight for the future and for all our sakes we better hope that the better party wins! Because if the future becomes the past, if the republicans re-take control in any measure, then we have no future!!!
Now to Carl Paladino, Let me say I love this guys fire. He is a everyman, the beer swilling white dude from down the block, to whom every black guy is a black guy and so on and so forth. But while that guy is a part of Americana and to be expected, that guy could and should never be a leader or considered to be a leader. Carl Paladino is like the Archie Bunker of the new millenium, backed by a party of archie bunkers, the tea party. And as we continue to enjoy the spectacle of this pot stirred by republican aspirations, we must remember ,when we marvel at what new foible Carl Paladino's personality has wrought, that this apple fell from a republican tree, as did Christine Odonnell, Meg Whitman, Sharon Angle and all the rest!
And now a point about the continuing Gay furor. Right is right and wrong is wrong, but we need to examine what makes it wrong! What is provoking these strong reactions against Gays AND indeed by gays! And let me say I agree with Mr. Paladino about the efforts to force acceptance of the Gay lifestyle into the mainstream. In america that is, because around the world the Gay culture is not accepted and indeed it is still, as it has been throught history, rejected! But that is another issue and fact to be examined. Me, Id like to see greater focus on the the extreme nature of reactions and action towards the whole gay dynamic. I mean why are gays killing themselves as opposed to straights? That is a issue in itself. and something I dont think the gay community has yet to face. Shame is killing gay people and we need to try to understand and address why it is a shame and why people are shamed by it. Once we address that, we will take a giant step I believe in this matter!
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