As we enter the final week of this political season, it will VERY interesting to see if the Democrats have staved off disaster. What looked like a republican landslide(to let Fox news tell it) is now a ? mark, due to such wonderful candidates as Christine(consitutional)O'Donnell, Meg( I didnrt know she was undocumented) Whitman and of course Sharon( the befuddled) Angle. The republicans are desparately looking for a giant Scott Brown moment to reclaim validity and a stake in the process, but to be frank, If the Dems maintain the majority of power, and all signs say they will, then the republican party will remain in real trouble. For if the democrats come thru, if they escape disaster on Nov.2 They have to realize that the opportunity to maginalize the republicans cannot be squandered again. Talk about a pressurized night. Nov 2 will be one! The future is about to be decided America, and the eys of the world will be upon us a week from this tuesday!
Now a few words about a issue: the issue of education in America & charter schools. Simply put, education, public education, cannot and should not ever be about us versus them. And education should not be a issue that divides us, it should be a issue that unites us. Charter schools have merits and they have questions that must be answered,but simply put efforts to better the education of americans cannot be belittled or discarded. But make no mistake, its not the be all or end all. And the fanaticism that I see surrounding this issue, and the politics is not a good thing!! But that aside, we must remember and get back to the issue at hand, which is not charter schools versus Public ed( a misnomer since charter schools ARE public ed) But repairing and correcting the education system in america so everyone, every child gets a quality education! Its not a us versus them issue, and eveyone who subscribes and pursues it(education) from that standpoint ought to be ashamed, because they are doing the kids of this nation a great disservice!! and on a personal note, I just want to stae for the recrd that in my area, if it wasnt forMy voice standing up for the original charter school, speaking out demanding that it be given a fair chance, the 11 schools that are now in existance in the city of Albany, wouldnt even exist, so dont include me in that us versus them BS! Its about better education plain and simple! all that other mess is just that: Mess!
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