As NY is a microcosm of this nation, today we will begin by examining the state of state politics in NY! As you know Andrew Cuomo, the odds on favorite to become the next Gov of NYS, is facing a long shot challenge from Carl Palladino, who won the Republican nod Via his tea party connections. And ,as most tea party candidates are known for, he has extremism in both his politics and his personal life. So as usually is done with ticking time bombs you maintain a safe distance and let it explode! Because that way it will do more damage to itself than anything else. Palladino will wing away for the next month, but as it sets in that Cuomo is a lock, the shots he will fire will become more and more ineffectual. It's too bad that Palladino didnt run for Senate, he might have won that race! But simply put the experience in public life and Leadership quality that Andrew Cuomo has will virutally lock this race down for the Dems. But crazy or No Carl Palladino was and is a shot in the arm for NY Republicans, who at least now have a challenger as opposed to Rick Lazio, Who was never a threat. Andrew Cuomo can and should preserve his energies for the storm that is to come in 2011. Because what David Patterson went thru with the Budget process is nothing compared to what Andrew will have to grapple with in 2011! As far as Rep Rangel goes ,like the wily old soldier he is, he has weathered the media and political storm that surrounded him, and He is a lock to maintain his seat in congress and indeed perhaps even regain the power he lost on capitol hill. To be frank in the tough political times that are coming for the national dems and for NYS a man like Mr. Rangel is and will be needed! Experience and leadership personified in Rep Charlie Rangel. someone that President Obama needs to look to in the tough times that are ahead! The Mosque issue is offically over, so lets wind it down. The right of freedom to practice your religion has been protected, but relations between Americans and Muslims have been set back a bit. But the say has been had both pro and con, let us now all go in peace!
so thats it for now on the NY state side of Politics.
I will say about the town Hall meeting that was plastered all over the NY post today, there is a old saying there are none so blind as those who will not see. And there is another saying, something that is being lost in all the political manipulation and hype that has blinded America to the effort that President Obama has made in just shy under 2 years! That saying is: Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me! And come Nov., we will see just how big a fool the American voting public is!
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