P. Sarah Palin is definately going to be in the running for the Republican nomination for president, and come 2012 she may even be big enough to run independently If the republicans establishment gives her too much of a hard time. But she must wean herself away from the fringe and the loonys that Fox continues to link her to IE:Glenn Beck If she is to truly make a run for the white house!
O. Obama(thats the president not the first lady) made a great speech(as he allways does) regarding the end of the iraqi war. Simply put, he did what he was elected to do, put us back on the right track ,and with the ending of the iraq war he did just that. And no amount of political spin or hype can change that fact! Well done Mr. president.
L. Labor. as we enter into this labor day weekend, President Obama and indeed all of washington DC's next task, the real war that must be fought, is to create the investment of capital by american corporations into america! We need jobs and in order to get them we need MONEY!!! A new stimulus in time for the Holiday season should be fast tracked, but due to politics it clearly wont be and that is a shame. But with more and more people suffering ,its time for partisan politics to take a back seat to united action on Labor! Labor meaning Jobs for Americans.As this is the lead issue, so must the president and the Democrats take the lead on it!
I. Information: Something which the public is clearly lacking as they ,like rabble, are bing roused byu the very Bums they just threw out, to put them back into power. Go figure!
T. Triumph Let us all hope for the ultimate trimuph in global diplomacy as the palestinians and Israeli's are once again at the peace table. Many have tried, but the ultimate trimuph, peace in our lifetime, has allways been just out of reach. Perhaps finally we can get what is indeed long overdue, two states living in peace side by side!
I. Illumination. As we prepare to commemorate all those lives lost on 9/11/01 it wwill also be time to once again shine the light of freedom worldwide! A light that all of us must remember. There is a reason why so many died and why the towers came down, and it wasnt Islam! It was because of freedom, freedom the like of which has never been seen and is like nowhere else on this planet! American freedom! A light brighter than allah, a light brighter than islam, a light that will never die out!
C. Community, the world community. Do not forget the people in pakistan. Give what U can, and do what U can. We are our brothers keeper and I hope that the USA is at the forefront(as it allways is) in this humanitarian effort.
S. Support, speak out and stand up! Remember, in less than 2 months the future will be decided for us here in America and for the world! This is a milestone election coming up! Too important to be decided by media hype , partisan hyperbole, and exploited ignorance! So support change, stand up agaisnt ignorance ,racism, and hate! And speak out and spread the word about Nov 2010! Because its about the future your future!
Enjoy the Holiday weekend!
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