To those decrying Andrew Cuomo's candidacy, hey, he was ELECTED to ATTY GEN and has served well. He has put himself in the postion he is in now by deed and action as much as anything else. The position like it or not as frontrunner was earned, so it is not wrong for him to enjoy the fruits of his labors. The travails of Carl Palladino only serve to show the true weakness of the Tea party and Tea party candidacies, sells well with red meat republicans not so well with everyone else! The promise to america, a promise of cotninued economic disaster if elected back into office! What will the next 2 years in office be like for President Obama? I dont like what has happened in the wake of the rise to leadership for black men in America.
What is the Gov of NJ doing camapigning in California? Why does Bill OReilly allways whine about white people being mistreated? I mean, how much have white people suffered in America? Will Sarah Palin run for president in 2012? R there bears in Alaska? And finally after president Obama , with efforts led by Sec of Satate Clinton secures, a 2 state solution for israel and palestine will they both share the credit?
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