Can Obama turn the tide, can he break the back of the republican party by denyiung it the victory it so desparately needs in Nov.? It's very possible, but its is going to take a massive campaign level effort by the president to do it. The issues are there to stand upon, and there are many points that can be driven home, but this will take a campaign level push, day in and day out to make victory a reality. I guess it all comes down to how bad does President Obama want to push his legislative agenda and see it succeed? The ball is in his court and ,simply put, the future of his administration and democratic control is now in his hands!
Speaking of points to be driven home, it is the pointed headedness of these Bible burning Idiots in Fla, these mornonic mullahs of misguided madness that remind us all of just why we need to stand against fanaticism and out of control rhetoric in America! Sarah Palin came out against this plan as should all conservatives of merit in America, because this is the idiodacy that the rhetoric of the Sean Hannitys, the Glenn Becks, the Laura Ingrams, the Michelle Malkins, and the Rush Limbaughs of the world, and Fox news have produced! You cant preach morality from a immoral foundation! A pot can't call a kettle black! I call upon all media in America to ignore this action if it is taken, because that will send a stronger message and serve a better purpose than the telvising this burning could ever acheive. Responsible journalism. I know its hard ,but Have a little deceny please!
And lastly:
9 years ago , in the greatest city in the world, the forces of hatred ,fananticism, and intolerance struck a blow the likes of which had never been seen on american shores. It was on that day that everything changed for americans and the world. It was on that day that Fear took a firm grasp.That day was 9/11/01. A day when hate felled the greatest of Mans achievements , his reach to the sky, the World Trade Center! I remember how it was pre 9/11, how carefree the world was, before fear and terror became the watchwords for a generation, and now ,9 years later, as the world continues to writhe in the grasp of fanaticism, terror, and hate and fear mongering , I wonder :Will we ever return to those care free days of pre 9/11/01/? I for one truly hope so, but we must never forget that on that day THOUSANDS of lives were lost! Innocent lives to a cowards blow. Lives that shared only one commonality: they were in America! These were white lives, black lives spanish lives indian lives, asian lives! These were chrisitian lives, hindu lives ,buddist lives, even islamic lives! All different but with one commonality :They were lost in America! And that we must never forget to honor: that commonality! Because as americans we all lost a piece of ourselves on that day, we all became a little less safe, a little less free, a little less happy, a little less american. On 9/11/01 a piece of America was taken from us, but as we commemorate that sad date on 9/11/10 let us, by standing united in commonality, the commonality of being Americans, speak loudly to all thsoe who would still wish us ill in those dark and primitive corners of the world that you will never take anything else away from us again! and never forget 9/11/01 and what we lost that day!
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