the Mosque in NYC yes or no

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fire In the belly( THE differance)

As this political cycle comes to a close, if there are major republican gains and major democratic losses, if the Obama administration becomes lame duck two years out, it will definately be because there has been a lack when it comes to having  fire in the proverbial political belly for the democrats! While the republicans have churned up the waters and  attacked, attacked, attacked, on every front, the democrats have seemed to be sleepwalking. and even when it became clear that the democratic agenda was in clear jepoardy, the democrats,individuals and as whole, did nothing! And that has been the clear differance this election cycle! Be it the party as a whole, or the individual candidates, I dont see, despite the seriousness of the situation, the get up and go, the fire that is clearly needed to stave off political disaster! As the saying goes, you have to fight fire with fire, and the sad fact is the democrats have brought none of that to this election cycle. and if they lose their majority on capitol hill, it will be due to that and that alone!

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