the Mosque in NYC yes or no

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The full meal deal( including the Veggies!)

AS this election cycle progresses, Its amazing(at least to me anyway) How the debate has become like a childs meal, Not the full meal deal, and with the public definately not geeeting enough Nutritional Information to make the right choices. The republiucans have shaped the dialog and the debate so that it is sweet as dessert(to them anyway) but it totally lacks and substance or intellectual nutritional value. SO I and I hope many other are wondering, when will we get the full meal deal? when will we get all sides of the issue. The issue of Unemployment didnt come out of Nowhere. It certainly wasnt created by the Obama administration. and Neither did this defict! Neither did the wars we are emboriled in or a great many other issues that, according to what we are being regulalrly fed are the fault of Pelosi, Reid and Obama!!  So As this election progresses I hope that somewhow and someway Americas get the Full meal deal as it pertains to the issues at hand and of Importance, because  we aint getting the   full meal deal!!!

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