the Mosque in NYC yes or no

Monday, October 4, 2010

sleazy and cruel

Sorry for the long hiatus folks been a little busy. but lets get back to the political issues of the day! simply put the farce that has erupted over the Paladino statement about Andrew cuomos infidelity is a example of what can truly happen when the inmates are allowed to take control of the asylum. any Validity that Carl palidadino had was effectively destroyed with this action, and with the continuing saga of of such candidates like Sharon Angle,Meg Whitman, and of course Christine Odonnell,  it is clear that the dreams of the republican party of taking back the congresss are going up in  sordid and sleazy smoke! Hoisted on their own petard, how fitting! And to the issue of the day, while it is not really a political issue, it is one that is gripping America, and will no doubt become political shortly: simply put ,a man was driven by cruelty, not bullying,  by cruelty to kill  himself , and that is what must be understood and addressed in thsi ! Its not about him being gay, or the perpetrators being college kids, its about cruelty and sadism! The willful and delibarate attempt to take pleasure in someone elses pain and humiliation. And we as a nation need to address the rise in cruelty and sadism in our youth! That is the real problem here ,a problem that has been too long ignored. I am neither gay or a sympathiser of gay rights ,but none deserves to be abused, noone deserves the cruelety that was inflicted on this soul, gay or no, and I hope that the 2 idiots who saw fit to inflict this level of cruelty on this individual are made to suffer as they clearly wanted him to. And I hope that people, especially the young can somehow regain the respect for the lives of others that they have seemed to have lost! Cruelty is not cool!!!

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